给定一个字符串 s 和一个字符串数组 words。 words 中所有字符串 长度相同。
s 中的 串联子串 是指一个包含 words 中所有字符串以任意顺序排列连接起来的子串。
例如,如果 words = ["ab","cd","ef"], 那么 "abcdef", "abefcd","cdabef", "cdefab","efabcd", 和 "efcdab" 都是串联子串。 "acdbef" 不是串联子串,因为他不是任何 words 排列的连接。
返回所有串联子串在 s 中的开始索引。你可以以 任意顺序 返回答案。
示例 1:
输入:s = "barfoothefoobarman", words = ["foo","bar"] 输出:[0,9] 解释:因为 words.length == 2 同时 words[i].length == 3,连接的子字符串的长度必须为 6 子串 "barfoo" 开始位置是 0。它是 words 中以 ["bar","foo"] 顺序排列的连接 子串 "foobar" 开始位置是 9。它是 words 中以 ["foo","bar"] 顺序排列的连接 输出顺序无关紧要。返回 [9,0] 也是可以的
示例 2:
输入:s = "wordgoodgoodgoodbestword", words = ["word","good","best","word"] 输出:[] 解释:因为 words.length == 4 并且 words[i].length == 4,所以串联子串的长度必须为 16 s 中没有子串长度为 16 并且等于 words 的任何顺序排列的连接 所以我们返回一个空数组
示例 3:
输入:s = "barfoofoobarthefoobarman", words = ["bar","foo","the"] 输出:[6,9,12] 解释:因为 words.length == 3 并且 words[i].length == 3,所以串联子串的长度必须为 9 子串 "foobarthe" 开始位置是 6。它是 words 中以 ["foo","bar","the"] 顺序排列的连接 子串 "barthefoo" 开始位置是 9。它是 words 中以 ["bar","the","foo"] 顺序排列的连接 子串 "thefoobar" 开始位置是 12。它是 words 中以 ["the","foo","bar"] 顺序排列的连接
class Solution { public: vector<int> findSubstring(string s, vector<string>& words) { std::unordered_map<string, int> myMap; for (auto word : words) myMap[word] += 1; vector<int> result; int word_length = words[0].size(); int word_num = words.size(); if (s.size() < word_length * words.size()) return result; int left = 0, right = word_length * word_num; std::unordered_map<string, int> myTemp; for (; right <= s.size(); left++, right++) { myTemp.clear(); for (int t_l = 0; t_l < word_num; t_l++) { string temp_key = s.substr(left, right).substr(word_length * t_l, word_length); myTemp[temp_key] += 1; } if(areMapsEqual(myTemp,myMap)) result.push_back(left); } return result; } bool areMapsEqual(const std::unordered_map<string, int>& map1, const std::unordered_map<string, int>& map2) { if (map1.size() != map2.size()) { return false; } for (const auto& pair : map1) { auto it = map2.find(pair.first); if (it == map2.end() || it->second != pair.second) { return false; } } return true; } };
class Solution { public: vector<int> findSubstring(string s, vector<string>& words) { unordered_map<string, int> myMap; vector<int> result; int word_length = words[0].size(); int word_num = words.size(); if (s.size() < word_length * words.size()) return result; int left = 0, right = word_length * word_num,flag = 0; for (; right <= s.size(); left++, right++) { flag = 0; myMap.clear(); for (int t_l = 0; t_l < word_num; t_l++) { string temp_key = s.substr(left, right).substr(word_length * t_l, word_length); myMap[temp_key] ++; } for(auto word:words){ myMap[word]--; if(myMap[word]==0){ myMap.erase(word); } } if(myMap.size()==0) result.push_back(left); } return result; } };
class Solution { public: vector<int> findSubstring(string s, vector<string>& words) { vector<int> result; if (s.empty() || words.empty()) return result; if (s.size() < words[0].size() * words.size()) return result; int wordLen = words[0].size(); int wordNum = words.size(); unordered_map<string, int> wordCount; for (const string& word : words) { wordCount[word]++; } int totalLen = wordLen * wordNum; for (int left = 0; left <= s.size() - totalLen; left++) { unordered_map<string, int> matched(wordCount); for (int right = left; right < left + totalLen; right += wordLen) { string word = s.substr(right, wordLen); if (matched.find(word) == matched.end()) break; matched[word]--; if (matched[word] == 0) { matched.erase(word); } } if (matched.empty()) { result.push_back(left); } } return result; } };
核心优化:for (int i = 0; i < wordLen; i++) { unordered_map<string, int> window; int left = i, right = i, count = 0;从每个可能的起点(0 到 wordLen - 1)开始,确保所有可能的起点都能被覆盖。
时间复杂度降低到了 O(n * wordLen), 其中 n 是字符串 s 的长度,wordLen 是单词的长度
class Solution { public: vector<int> findSubstring(string s, vector<string>& words) { vector<int> result; if (s.empty() || words.empty()) return result; int wordLen = words[0].size(); int wordNum = words.size(); int totalLen = wordLen * wordNum; if (s.size() < totalLen) return result; unordered_map<string, int> wordCount; for (const string& word : words) { wordCount[word]++; } // Iterate over each possible starting index within the first word length for (int i = 0; i < wordLen; i++) { unordered_map<string, int> window; int left = i, right = i, count = 0; while (right + wordLen <= s.size()) { string word = s.substr(right, wordLen); right += wordLen; if (wordCount.find(word) != wordCount.end()) { window[word]++; count++; // If the word count exceeds, slide the window from the left while (window[word] > wordCount[word]) { string leftWord = s.substr(left, wordLen); window[leftWord]--; left += wordLen; count--; } // If count equals wordNum, a valid substring is found if (count == wordNum) { result.push_back(left); } } else { // Reset the window window.clear(); count = 0; left = right; } } } return result; } };